Join Our Team: Step Three

This is the third of five steps to apply for 3D Travel, and we have provided detailed information to help you determine if we are the adventure you’ve been waiting for. If you have any questions after reading through everything, or if you've begun the process and feel stuck or confused, you can contact us.

Application Time!

And now it's time to fill out your application! After you're done, you can read about what a 3D Travel Agent's daily life is like.

A Day In The Life of a 3D Travel Advisor

To understand best, let's look at a booking from beginning to end.

  • You get a lead - sometimes through us but often generated yourself.
  • You access the applicable vendor websites used by the travel industry.
  • You send a quote using the standardized email templates you received in training that you updated with your vision, voice, and unique personality.
3D Travel Agents with penguin

Upholding the standards that will help you grow your business, the consistent process for 3D is Tell - Do - Tell.


You always tell the client you're going to do something.

  • There should be communication within 24 hours
  • We encourage communication in 2 hours or less


Then you do what you told the client you would do


Follow up by telling them you did it

  • After the quote, you follow up and discuss your client's choices with them.
  • You may need additional quotes to find exactly what meets their needs. We will teach you more about qualifying your client for each specialty. You will become an advocate they can rely on!
  • Once you help your client make their best choice, they apply their deposit through our secure credit card authorization form.
  • You will then apply the payment directly to the vendor.
  • You "Tell - Do - Tell" the payment and enter the information into our customer relationship manager, the database where all client records are kept, which unlocks your commission payments by invoicing 3D Travel.
  • Of course, you follow all the security processes you've been trained on to keep information safe and secure.
  • It's time to plan a trip! Your clients will rely on you for park hours, ship itineraries, special events, dining plans and reservations, refurbishments, ports of call, excursions, and all those tiny travel details that turn a checklist into a dream come true. We have templates for every step of the process, which you will be fully trained to use.
  • One of the last emails/forms you send is for final payment. You will follow the same process you did for the deposit.
  • Of course, you follow up with your client afterward! By then, they won’t know how they lived without you. It’s true! The owners of 3D Travel work daily in the industry but rely on a member of the 3D Travel Team to help with their travel planning simply because they know their trained advisors will do it better.
Selfie Wall

By now you may feel a bit overwhelmed, but you will be happy to know that no one at 3D Travel is alone. We aren’t a huge host agency with a hands-off mentality. We are available to help you with each and every step of your journey. You would not only have the home office of 7 to support you, but also 8 leaders and an extensive mentoring team on call to help you do everything from check math on your quotes to remind you when you forget one of the many steps along the way to your success. And we do it with a heart for you to succeed, while still taking time to care for your family, your faith, and yourself! What’s most important to you? That doesn’t need to change in order to achieve success. We encourage boundaries and kindness, not just to your clients but also to yourself!

Are you ready?

Are you ready to turn your dreams of a life filled with adventure and travel into reality? Take the next step by reading more about our team and following the steps to become a member of 3D Travel!