3D Travel Blogs

Get to know the 3D Travel Team, what we do, the incredible destinations we sell and so much more!
There is no greater team on all the earth than the members of 3D Travel. From certification training to client care, they do everything with complete competence and confidence!

Pin & Plan with 3D Travel!

Pin & Plan with 3D Travel!
FOLLOW USON PINTEREST! ​STOP what you're doing & go follow us on Pinterest Right NOW! We're building an online one-stop shop for you to find the best information to help you plan trips to your favorite destinations and aboard your favorite cruise lines!  Why are you still here?  GO! You know you want to!

Just Add Water? Do I WANT an Instant Travel Agent?


​Just how easy IS it to become a travel agent? Well, if you want to be an INSTANT Travel Agent, it's easy. But, if you want to be GOOD, it's extremely hard!

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The Heart of 3D Travel Company


This article was published in 2011, when 3D had just celebrated a 5 year anniversary. How things have grown!

When I began 3D Travel Company I did it with three goals. They were so simple and I worried if I didn't define them early on I might lose sight of them. What were they? 

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Keeping Your Kids Safe on a Cruise


I published this article on our old website and recently had requests to publish it again. I hope it continues to help parents make good decisions for their kids!

Yesterday a horrible thing happened, as a man was arrested when the Disney Dream docked. He was arrested for allegedly assaulting a 13 year old child aboard the ship, and he was a cast member.

Last week, a wonderful things happened, as Disney Cruise Line made the choice to immediately believe the child who made the report, fire the alleged pedophile, turn him in and issue a statement. Karl Holz, I knew I liked you, I knew I admired you. Now you're one of my heroes. 

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TOP FIVE ways to keep your spouse happy at DISNEY

​Have you seen this woman? Poor thing.  Angry Splash Mountain Lady, Jordan Alyxander was ticked.  She wanted her husband to experience the Most Magical Place on Earth with her.  (Get it right, news outlets!  The Happiest Place on Earth is Disneyland and she's clearly at Walt Disney World, the most Magical Place on Earth.  Good Gravy!)  Do you see him on there?  Nope.  And this is one of the longest attractions you can visit at any Disney park.  Jordan had a long time to simmer about riding alone.  And simmer she DID!

Okay.  Not really.  She practiced her face and worked for that souvenir picture.  Go Jordan!  She wasn't happy her hubby chickened out - yeah.  I said it.  You chickened out, man!  She decided to make it a humorous moment and she did it up right!  Which brings us to our first pick for TOP FIVE WAYS to keep your spouse HAPPY at DISNEY!

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