An Inside Look at all things 3D Travel

From the viewpoint of owner, Carol-Beth Scott

TOP FIVE ways to keep your spouse happy at DISNEY

​Have you seen this woman? Poor thing.  Angry Splash Mountain Lady, Jordan Alyxander was ticked.  She wanted her husband to experience the Most Magical Place on Earth with her.  (Get it right, news outlets!  The Happiest Place on Earth is Disneyland and she's clearly at Walt Disney World, the most Magical Place on Earth.  Good Gravy!)  Do you see him on there?  Nope.  And this is one of the longest attractions you can visit at any Disney park.  Jordan had a long time to simmer about riding alone.  And simmer she DID!

Okay.  Not really.  She practiced her face and worked for that souvenir picture.  Go Jordan!  She wasn't happy her hubby chickened out - yeah.  I said it.  You chickened out, man!  She decided to make it a humorous moment and she did it up right!  Which brings us to our first pick for TOP FIVE WAYS to keep your spouse HAPPY at DISNEY!

​#1 - Book with 3D Travel!  

When you screw up, we've got your back.  What more can we say about that?  It's what we do.  Email, Call, Facebook message, text.....we're here.  Feels good, doesn't it? 

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